Things to do

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This page is a list of things you might want to do in Maryville, Missouri. Obviously there's Walmart and The Hangar (movie theatre), but this page will be primarily focused on the lesser known ways to divert yourself.

On Campus


Take a walk around campus sometime. Several times in fact. Become acquainted with shortest routes between two points, secluded areas, buildings with roof access or unlocked doors, and mysterious stairs and ladders inside those buildings. This will help you build a useful store of information that might come in handy sometime.

Don't underestimate the fun of getting in/on to buildings previously thought inaccessible. And take pictures. As a suggestion, the belltower has become more difficult to scale since it was cleaned up and the ladder removed... We know of no one that has accomplished this.

Sex and Other Affectionate Acts

First, it should be made clear that we do not condone wanton debauchery.

That said, don't do anything in the Academy building. Nobody wants to see it (it'd be pretty creepy if they do, stay away from those folks), so we're here to help you know when to leave the Academy.


  • Hugs
  • Kisses
  • Mild stroking


  • Anything else

So if you're not going to do anything fun in the Academy, where should you do it? This is one instance when having an intimate knowledge of the campus comes in useful. There are two keys to a good making out/fucking spot. First, it must be secluded. Second, you must be able to get away quickly, as people have been known to go looking for couples in the midst of pleasurable yet nefarious deeds.

We are not at the moment prepared to give even an impartial list of places to go, as we aren't sure of how much the Academy Administration reads this Wiki, and we don't want to lose you those spots. We suggest asking second years, as some spent a good portion of their first year finding these places.

However, we are quite prepared to make a list of places not to go.

  • Fine Arts building practice rooms. Everybody has used those and they are some of the most disgusting and unromantic places you could want to put your penis into someone or have theirs stuck into you. Also, people know to look there.
  • Union reading room. Far too open and in a hub of activity. The key here is don't be stupid.

In the event that you'd like a guide or some friendly advice, Second Years can help couples find that wonderful alone time they need. Whey've been going to Northwest's campus for 5 years now, and as such, have intimate knowledge of the place. They, however, aren't condoning your activities/feeble attempts at procreation. They merely wants to make sure you keep your bodily fluids out of the place they live, since some of you have decided to leave little haploids swimming in common places (like bathrooms), and no one else wants that.

Beat current records or set new ones

Off Campus

Off campus, students have to be more creative. Honestly, there isn't much off campus fun just waiting for you, so you generally have to make your own. There's the Hangar, a movie theatre/themed restuarant (not a bad place), several clothing shops (one of them is a thrift store, where you can get AWESOME stuff), and loads of fast-food places for fun days out. Other than that, you might have to have ideas in mind before hand. For example, many fun games are either against the rules on campus, or there's no good place to play. Therefore, for games such as hide and seek, tag, etc., I recommend one of the two city parks, located within a mile of the Academy. These parks come with the built in luxuries of merry-go-rounds, sand, swings, AND trees! Pretty awesome. There is also some bodies of water near Maryville, namely Lake Mozingo, that have excellent fishing. Other than that, Maryville has lots of very pretty scenery (not really in town, but the rural area around it), that makes it great for walks.