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Oh noes! I figured I had best update my profile with slightly more up to date information, in accordance to my being a second year and all! ^.~

Why the Academy?[edit]

A long time ago in a land far away, there was another girl among many who hated high school (that'd be me!). After visiting a "gifted" summer program, she found out about the Missouri Academy and decided the only plausible solution to her current problem (High school) was to go! And here we are now--I've had a heck of a year and struggled through a lot, but I survived my first year and am super-pumped about my second, and senior, year!!!

Likes & Dislikes[edit]

I like: storms, rain, spring, REAL home-cooked meals, the smell of clean air, the little patches of green that strive to make it through the winter, squirrels (and other animals), nature, getting (snail)mail

I dislike: mean people, my eyesight, prejudice, the insane amount of typos and spelling mistakes that I'm sure live in my page o.o, telemarketers, the far right


Oh jeez, here we go...

  • Anime, manga, Japan, the Japanese language and culture, etc etc etc
    • Favourite anime/manga: Saiyuki (including Reload and Gaiden), Full Moon O Sagashite, Chobits, Cardcaptor Sakura, Loveless, Ragnarok (which died before the series ended. -.- The manwha-ka just up and decided to stop doing it. -.-), Gravitation, Howl's Moving Castle
  • Art
    • Writing, singing/music, drawing, sculpting of kneadable erasers, pixel/dolling
  • Reading
    • Favourite books: ""Strange Candy"", The ""Anita Blake"" series, ""Eragon"", Anything by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, Anything by Teresa Medieros, The ""Cirque du Freak"" series
  • Debate (intelligent conversations? yey!)
  • Chemistry
  • Music
    • Favourite bands/composers: Yuki Kajiura, See-saw, Panic! At the Disco, Yellowcard, Anna Nalick, David Bowie(I would marry that man just for his voice. Seriously.), T.M.Revolution, L'Arc~en~ciel, Sonata Arctica, Nightwish, and other misc music I happen to stumble upon and like...
  • Drama Tech
    • Techie Love. <3<3<3<3 (Though not at the academy! T.T I have a depressing lack of power tools and paint fumes there)
  • DDR
    • Which I'm not very good at.
  • RPing (roleplaying)
    • With a notebook, aim, yim, chat rooms, forums, neopets, etc. (Only very occasionally involving dice) Jeez I have a lot of dead rp notebooks o.O O.o
  • ABJDs
    • ABJD is an abbreviation for "Asian Ball-Jointed Doll" and if you plan on hanging out with me, you'd better be able to put up with them! The dolls are made of resin and are generally created to look very, very realistic. If you'd like to know more about them, just im me. In fact, I'll probably end up mentioning them regardless of whether or not you would like to know more. XD
  • My job preferences go:
      • Which never cease to puzzle and occasionally infuriate my mother ^.^
    • Librarian
    • Professional Theatre Technician
    • Voice actress
    • International Truck Driver

About Me[edit]

Birthday: August 26th, 1991

Age: 17 (in case you don't want to do that math...)

Gender: Female


  • I wear my socks inside-out because the seams annoy me.
  • My mind has been known to frighten boys of all ages.
  • I LOVE computers and wish that I had my own laptop, rather than my campus-issue one.
  • My eyesight is REALLY bad. Recently, I was told that it's around 20/400--I was also informed that that's as high as the scale goes.
  • I have LOTS and LOTS of anime and manga. LOTS. O.o
  • I hate the orange key on guitar hero/rock band.

Contact Me[edit]

Main email: GoldenAnimeRose

Second email: Chibinekovash

AIM: GoldenAnimeRose

YIM: Chibinekovash

Livejournal: Ask for it ^___^

Website: Long gone... I may have a new one some day. (More than likely for my dolls, which I conveniently don't own yet!)

Facebook: Of course. You can find me under my name in the Missouri Academy network.

Myspace (which I never use): It's Raining Yaoi

Deviantart (which I rarely use due to update time): RoninNeko

Den Of Angels (ABJD Forum): RainbowsHaven