Talk:Second East

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Oh sweet Jesus/Allah/Buddah! Who the hell put "2FE loves to have fun." WHO THE BLOODY HELL DOESN'T LIKE TO HAVE FUN? "Hi, my name is Brian, and I love pealing leeches off my eye sockets. It's not really all that fun, but it's my hobby." -goofyheadedpunk

It was so totally Chris... damn you Chris! - Stuey
Funny shit, Stu. -Chrax
... oh. don't try to blame this on me! - Stuey
All I said was you're funny. That's a compliment. Guilty conscience? -Chrax
uh... umm... Uh, I have no conscience... so there! Ha! I can't have a guilty conscience if I don't have a conscience...! - Stuey
You get dumb when it gets late. -Chrax