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Why would you want to give the power back to Doug? Are the costs really that high? - Mpnolan 14:16, 3 Mar 2005 (EST)

And related to that, if costs _are_ too high, I would be happy to give financial support. I'd rather give money towards uncensored, good reading than get trash for free. I suppose this is what the unedited Xanga version is for though, eh? - Mpnolan 17:35, 3 Mar 2005 (EST)
I think that if we had refused to negotiate with Doug, he was going to make it so we couldn't distribute the copies from the RLO and maybe even involve some bullshit university policies to get in trouble. And the fact that the Newspaper IS an academy-sponsered club. So now it's going to take longer to get the comics out, because we have to fight with Doug over everything. Financial issues were also at hand. Jacqueline, Tara, and I were printing everything out on our account-- which ends up costing a pretty good amount eventually. So we knew we were going to end up having to negotiate. It's a pain, but yeah.. that's why the online version is there. And plus, if someone wants to read an article again, but lost their copy of the newspaper, they can find it online. BlinkyTheRed 12:53, 4 Mar 2005 (EST)

You should have a PDF version of it. Andy 14:23, 4 Mar 2005 (EST)

If by that you mean an unedited PDF version, then I fail to see the point, as all additional articles will (presumably) already be posted on Xanga. The only advantage I can see is that it would make it convenient for students to independently print and distribute complete unedited versions. - Mpnolan 17:12, 4 Mar 2005 (EST)