Robert Bryant

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Rob is one of the only remaining original staff members of the Missouri Academy. From the fall of 2000 to the spring of 2006, he served as the Residential Counselor to 3rd East. In the fall of 2006, Rob replaced William Perkins as Director of Enrollment.


Work History[edit]

Impressions of Rob as a Missouri Academy RC[edit]

Rob was considered the "wildcard" of the Academy. Generally, he was exceptionally laid-back, often to the point that a casual observer might think him stupid or inattentive. First impressions aside, he was in fact quite sharp, and usually a step ahead of his students. -- Unknown (edited by Chrax during a reorganization).

Rob is an indispensable staff member for the Missouri Academy. Many students feel he is the most trustworthy and caring staff member, and feel closer to him than their own RC's. His manner of speaking is captivating, and he is never too busy to listen to student concerns and do everything in his power to help. The Academy would be a much different, bleaker place if it were not for Robert Bryant. -Alum2010

Rob is the sole reason why most students attend the Missouri Academy. He is the hardest-working member of the Academy Administration. His devotion to students is unparalleled. He is one of the kindest, most inspirational people I know. Alum2011

External Links[edit]

Academy Staff Page