User talk:Bone

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Revision as of 22:26, 20 June 2005 by Mpnolan (talk | contribs)
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Ello ello! Orientation was hella lot of tedious. But I can get my lip pierced! What sucks is that we can't have jobs so I'll have no spending money. Ever. GAH! And we never leave campus. Yeh, that'll suck. *feels restricted* Anyway, just wanted to comment. Woo, I feel special. Heather

That's not entirely accurate. You can sign out and go places (either by walking or getting an RC to drive you), and people have been known to leave without permission. The real trick is not advertising that you're leaving campus. -Chrax
People have gotten jobs as well. I wouldn't reccomend it though. -
Intrigueing information, that is. They made it sound fairly rare to sign out, what with the heavy schedules and mandatory studying. Same dilemma with holding a job; when would you have time to actually work? I see weekends and 2- to 4-hour break periods as the only presented opportunities... - Heather
Heh, I just went ahead and inverted study hours and free time, meaning that 2- to 4-hour break periods are the only time I study. If that much. If you have an obsession with scoring a 4.0, then you might find yourself studying all of the time. But if you are fine getting a GPA in the range 3.2-3.6, mild studying will probably suffice. - Mpnolan 18:26, 20 Jun 2005 (EDT)