Talk:Records Set

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Revision as of 20:45, 6 July 2005 by Mpnolan (talk | contribs)
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Good idea, Jon. Also, I like how the page name is a pun—Records Set as in both "the set of all records" and "records which have been set."

Does that count as a pun so much as a double entendre? -Chrax
What would prevent it from being a pun? The fact that it was probably not deliberate? I would call it a homonym, then. This one doesn't seem to fit double entendre's description: "The first, literal meaning is an innocent one, while the second meaning is often risqué and requires the hearer to have some additional knowledge." There isn't really any additional knowledge, as both meanings of "set" are well-known, and the execution doesn't seem similar to those given on the page. - Mpnolan 02:19, 27 Jun 2005 (EDT)
Touché. I meant double entendre simply as double meaning, though clearly the official definition goes against me here. -Chrax
I don't think any of them fit exactly, but I think pun is the best choice. "pun" is the most common term for items in this general class of word games, so when it's used but doesn't fit exactly people don't think too much of it. On the other hand, if you use "double entendre" of "homonym," there is a more specific definition that people can check and say, "This doesn't work!" - Mpnolan 01:07, 28 Jun 2005 (EDT)
Geeks. - Squishypickle

These are not records

The items you (Jon) are posting now are not records, but smatterings of various things that happened on third west last year. That's not what this page is for. Move it somewhere else and do it in an organized way. I don't have the patience or time to keep up with your carelessness. - Mpnolan 16:45, 6 Jul 2005 (EDT)