Talk:Academy Movie Exchange

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Revision as of 00:26, 27 December 2004 by Sillyputty (talk | contribs)
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I think the idea of restricting access to rarely used objects is dumb. This exchange idea should be extended to all kinds of media: CDs, video games, etc. Pretty much any type of categorizable object works. If it's successful, we can set up a database. - Mpnolan 06:10, 26 Dec 2004 (EST)

Interesting idea... should we put ratings of movies? - Stuey
Should it be "intraacademy?" -Squishypickle
Ooohhh... He got you there! - Stuey
It should be intra-academy(ish). We should decided on a spelling and then move the article. -Goofyheadedpunk
Intra makes sense. -Chrax
Yes, but how do we spell the title? -Goofyheadedpunk
Ah. I would think intra-academy. Or we could just leave it as Academy with no prefix. -Chrax
I agree with Chris... no prefix is fine! Stuey

Are we listing movies we actually have or have ripped? Should we some how indicate if the copy is an actual copy or a ripped copy? - Stuey

Physically have... I think. Exchanging ripped movies is typically an ordeal, unless they're small enough to be put on CD. -Chrax
Okay! I see. Should we say if we have them on CD, though?-Stuey
Sure, just use (CD) rather than (DVD) -Chrax

I'm going to move this article to Academy Movie Exchange, unless someone has objections (or if it's already been done ). -Goofyheadedpunk

No objections here - Stuey
Alright, I'm moving it. -Goofyheadedpunk

Separate database

I've begun writing the object database using SQLite. Right now there will be tables for movies, CDs, and video games. What else should I add? - Mpnolan 16:47, 26 Dec 2004 (EST)

Do you guys think accounts are a good idea for this project? Ideally (and probably) the site will only be used by Academy students, and I can't think of a single one that would want to destroy it by adding crap entries. The only reason accounts would be useful would be for searching and listing objects by owner, but that could be done by asking users to always use their real name. - Mpnolan 16:57, 26 Dec 2004 (EST)

I think just having the front end to the database being inside the wiki would be a good idea. The site would be MUCH better if it were all in the wiki anyway. Besides, I won't touch anything outside of the wiki. The rest of the site is shitastic. -Goofyheadedpunk

The only way I could do that is if HTML were enabled in the wiki. I'd have to contact the PHP code I wrote with parameters typed into input boxes on a wiki page. Even then, the output would be displayed on a non-wiki page. I wouldn't mind writing an input interface for the wiki, though I just don't see the point.
I say we make the wiki what you see when you come to, and link to Andy and I's projects from wiki pages. We'd remove all that SGA-type stuff and put it inside the wiki too - Mpnolan 18:08, 26 Dec 2004 (EST)
Also, if you're going to be databasing anyway, you might as well redo that terrible contact DB from the site, and use the wiki as a frontend. Also, I don't think it should be too much to ask for people to be wiki users to submit to these databases. Like Brian said in the main talk page, it's distasteful, but it will help prevent trolling. -Chrax
Yeah... redo the contact thing. Also, I agree scrap all the SGA part of the original website. I think just updating the wiki is good enough. Well, there are a couple parts that shouldn't be deleted such as the online application to be a wing rep or officer. - Stuey