Bringing in Users

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The Academy wiki is lacking diversity, as right now (Dec 26) it consists mostly of computer geeks. We need to bring in more people to build the community. Suggest strategies below


"Nine women can't have a baby in one month."


One of the goals of this site it to help out potential students so if there's ever anyone that asks about the academy or if you're having a online discussion about secondary/post secondary education it certainly wouldn't be bad to drop a link.


If we continue to post and explain on Xanga, at least a few more people are bound to come.

Host a meeting

We could host a meeting in the computer lab at the Academy explaining our pursuit and why it is cool to contribute. Explain how the wiki could become the first Google search result for "MASMC" and the power that has. A short in-person tutorial on editing the wiki would help those who are intimidated by the interface.

Word of Mouth

Second East is a small wing, and as such, it's not very difficult to spread the word. I don't know how well that will work on your floor, but meetings are typically ineffective (in my experience, though I've never had one promoting something cool). And trust people to spread the word on their own. That is, tell your friends, let them tell their friends. The trick will be getting females involved.