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Hey everyone! My name is Peter Sable. I was born in Springfield, MO in '93 and was raised in, well, its just easier to say the entire southwest Missouri area instead of listing all the places I've lived. I attended nine different school districts and junior year, as is probably obvious, I came to the Missouri Academy. First year I was a proud resident of 2nd West and second year I will aid 3rd South in conquering all other wings of the academy! After the MASMC, I hope to be a multidisciplinary engineering in mechanics, electromagnetics, and biomedical areas of concentration.

Advice on the Academy Keeping in mind that most of this is from experience, therefore excuse my temporary hypocrisy. 1) Use study hours - seriously they help 2) Distractions kill - have fun, but don't forget the point of the academy - academics 3) Sleep, nuff said, recommended more than 3 hours a night 4) Have fun, you'll go crazy without it 5) Don't hang out with just one person, you live with a building full of people probably more similar to you than you'll ever meet, take advantage of it, some of the friends you meet hear you'll know and remember for the rest of your life. So why seclude yourself to just hanging out with just one (yes I'm referring to relationships as well) 6) If you can, group studying helps 7) Shower, you'd think I wouldn't have to say it, but seriously 8) Be involved, extracurriculars are there for a reason: their fun, good way to break away from school, good on college apps, and can teach you a lot 9) Don't just memorize stuff to get the grade, you need the learn. 10) Hell/Finals weeks SUCK, just be prepared.

The Academy is an amazing place and I could ramble on what could help you succeed there forever, but really the best way is to just do the best that you can with what you have. Its a home not just a school and it gives all us acadakids opportunities that no one else has..and well thats pretty awesome!

Activities and Positions

Overall, my interests include: football, marital arts, psychology, politics, swimming, physics (yes I'm a nerd), music, anything engineering, legos (oh yeah), and a long list of other things. Below are some of my various shenanigans:

Grade 9: Reeds Spring High School

  • Academic Team
  • Football (DEFENSE!)
  • Marching & Concert Band (Saxophones all the way!)

Grade 10: Ozark High School

  • Academic Team
  • National Honor Society
  • Foreign Language Club
  • Math Team (temp member)

Grade 11 & 12: MASMC

  • Model United Nations (11,12) Chief of Staff
  • Student Government (11,12) Treasurer
  • Improv Team (11) Member
  • Robotics (12) Member
  • Intramural Football (11,12)
  • Communtity Leader (12)
  • National Society of Collegiate Scholars


Don't know much about this section yet seeing as how I'm still a student at the acad, but I planning on achieving at least a master's in engineering and definitely go on to grad school. Basically, I want to use engineering to improve all of our lives in all its aspects.

College List

  • Caltech
  • Stanford
  • Rensellaer Polytech
  • Georgia Tech
  • Univ of Illinois
  • Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • Univ of Wisconsin - Madison
  • Boston Univ
  • Milwaukee School of Eng
  • Rochester Inst of Tech
  • Purdue Univ
  • Univ of Tenn Knoxville
  • MST
  • Colorado School of Mines

Contact Info:
