User talk:KoopaTroopa211

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Haha...that game is cool. I had it for a while, but I think it got deleted.--User:Squishypickle 00:39, 10 Feb 2005 (EST)

Could you tell me where I might find a full copy of it? Like maybe some place where I could download it possibly?--User:KoopaTroopa211 19:57, 10 Feb 2005 (EST)
The only way here would be kazaa, I think. If you are at home, try using bittorrent. Search for "suprnova mirror" and you will find a lot of websites with torrents. --Squishypickle 20:11, 10 Feb 2005 (EST)
I don't like Kazaa: it screwed up our last computer at home. Is there some way to use LimeWire through our firewall?--KoopaTroopa211 00:05, 11 Feb 2005 (EST)
I'm pretty sure the answer is no. I've tried a lot of stuff. Right now I connect to my linux box at home remotely, and use it to download bittorrent files, then I ftp them to my computer. You can use kazaa lite, there aren't any problems with it. For $DEITY's sake, dont use regular kazaa. -Squishypickle

I'm going to write you some scripts sometime so you dont have to keep up-dating your stats --Andy 15:40, 5 Mar 2005 (EST)

I don't really mind. It gives me an excuse to check on the team's stats. --KoopaTroopa211 15:41, 5 Mar 2005 (EST)
This code works. I don't know how you'll need to modify it to get it to print to his page, but from the commandline this works. (I could make a CGI script, but then, you really might as well go to their page, eh?)
use LWP::Simple;

@lines = split /\n/, get("");

for(0 .. $#lines){
        ($score = $lines[$_+2]) =~ s/\s*//g if $lines[$_] =~ /Grand Score/;
        ($count = $lines[$_+2]) =~ s/\s*//g if $lines[$_] =~ /Work Unit Count/;
        ($rank = $lines[$_+1]) =~ s/.+> (\d+\s\w+\s\d+).+/$1/ if $lines[$_] =~ /Team Ranking/;
        $members = $lines[$_] if $lines[$_] =~ s/.+<TD> (\d+) <\/TD.+/$1/;

print "Number of members: $members\n",
      "WU's Finished: $count\n",
      "Team Total Score: $score Points\n",
      "Overall Rank: $rank teams\n";


This would be a hack, but someone could put that code on the moacad server and then add a wiki command foldingstats (or similar) which calls and outputs the script. It'd be as easy as system("perl");. I'm not sure how hard it is to add a command though.
That's pretty cool, by the way. I'm going to run it from the command line on my machine. - Mpnolan 18:41, 6 Mar 2005 (EST)

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