User talk:Bentheredonethat

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I'll do whatever I damn well please with my label, thanks.

Actually, the admins seem to disagree (see your user page's discussion). In fact, here's a quote from Chrax, which you conveniently deleted from that discussion, that directly states this viewpoint.

"I agree with Ben on the label. The name list isn't really meant to be anything other than informative. The descriptive part at the top can be written somewhat stylistically, though it should also be, strictly speaking, true."

As such, I will continue to edit your changes unless I am instructed by the admins to stop doing so. --Ben

Didn't "conveniently" delete his comment. =) I cleared the entire page.

It was still very convenient. I can see through your attempts to cover up your true reasons (*attempts to make scary face*). --Ben

I am completely, totally, 100% serious about the clock thing. I paid for it out-of-pocket because Sam refused to get us one.

Wow. Did the thought of 3rd Easters being on time to events not appeal to him? --Ben

Apparently not. Speaking of events, though, I noticed that there weren't quite as many of those idiotic mandatory meetings last semester... Have there been many thus far this semester? -Daniel
lol u tak him 2 da bar|? --Ben
I think Andy's having some fun with the Wiki. - Daniel
He can have his fun. I'll take care of it later. --Ben

On a completely unrelated note, I have found proofs that .9~ does equal 1. <== Wow I was tired when I wrote that sentence. Fixed it now. I'm not sure if the proofs are mathematically accurate ( I think they break rules), but they're still interesting. - Daniel

That .9 repeating = 1 is not really contested much, and it shouldn't be contested at all. What rules do you think the proofs broke? --Ben

Well, I wasn't absolutely certain they break rules, but I thought they might. If it's not contested anymore, then I guess they're probably legit.
I don't know if that site is down temporarily or something, but the link didn't load anything when I tried it. I didn't mean that there is unanimous agreement, but you won't see problems with it in very many mathematics departments, if any at all. It all stems from what it actually means for an infinite series to converge, and whether what it converges to is "equal" to it. --Ben