User talk:Bentheredonethat

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Video games are nifty. Unfortunately I have no hand-eye coordination, so I suck. Funny stuff. Are you an anime person as well? Heather 01:58, 29 May 2005 (EDT)

Wow, I had no idea people would actually read my page! Yes, video games are great. How could people not love something that gets them away from reality in such a realistic fashion? I'm not much of an anime person, although I used to be (kind of). Ben 18:33, 30 May 2005 (EDT)
My life is boring enough that yes, I bothered looking at the userpages of people I don't know. I need a hobby >_<. Hehehe that's what music is for me, 'tis my life. I'm not a huge anime fan myself past Invader Zim, though most of my gamer friends seem addicted to it. - Heather 16:58, 1 Jun 2005 (EDT)
I can most definitely relate to that. Right now, for instance, I am only looking at the wiki only because I have nothing important to do, save tedious tasks such as cleaning. Music... it's so strange, yet so powerful. I guess that's why everyone loves it, but I'll never understand it. I have to admit that Invader Zim is a nice show, but I never really watch it, and I can never see how anyone could become addicted to it! Ben 19:37, 1 Jun 2005 (EDT)
You'll never understand music or power? Slight confusion... I'd delve deeper into the topic, but philosophical Heather is a scary thing indeed. Invader Zim is amusing past rational thought, you cannot deny such things! - Heather 06:24, 19 Jun 2005 (EDT)

Video games are a popular pastime at the academy, both console and PC. Oh, and there's Anime club in the main lounge every sunday at noon. I think we'll be watching Neon Genesis Evangelion first. --KoopaTroopa211 23:04, 19 Jun 2005 (EDT)