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I'm somewhat computer illiterate, so when I get around to sitting my lazy arse down and learning to code this page will be substantially more interesting.

Musica vita mea! If you care to know email me, but I generally like most things rock. Mmm, melodic metal is my life. What else to say... I'm insomniac, so usually you'll catch me online in the wee hours. I'm constantly online but, amusingly, I can't do crap with computers. Nifty talent, neh? Hmm... I have an obsession with body modification, so I'll be getting my lip and (hopefully) eyebrow pierced this summer. As soon as I leave Arby's, that is.

Ehehe, it's five a.m. and I'm sitting in front of my comp eating beef rice (cheapo ramen noodles, basically), wondering what the hell I should say on this page. I'm open to suggestion...