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Well hello there!

I'm Becka, originally Scottish but now...Eugeneish, which is 20 minutes south of Jefferson City, MO. No, I don't have an accent.


2009-2010 Wing Rep for 2S

Student Government Association

Common Ground (NWMSU's GSA)

Yearbook. Ish. Sometimes.

RHA (2010-2011 school year)

Un-school Activities:

Yoga with fellow 2S-ers

Community Service




Decorating my room


Future Plans/Dreams

After graduation, I hope to attend University College London, or maybe some other UK University. If not, Boston University and Portland State University are among the top of my US choices. I plan to earn my BS in Geology and probably Archaeology, and continue to receive my PhD in Geology and maybe Archaeology. All the while double minoring (if they let me...) in European Studies and Near/Middle East Studies. If all goes as planned, I will constantly be traveling in Europe and the Middle East for field work/research throughout University. After all this ridiculous education, I want to own my own Geological observatory and lab in the UK somewhere, and frequently continue field work in both Europe and the Middle East!