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I used to go to Rich Hill High School, which is about 70 miles south of Kansas City. Now I'm a first year at the academy and part of the "Four on Fourth." My roommate, me, and the 2 girls across the hall from us are close friends. And we're on 4W (hense the "on forth").

Doubts potential 1st years may have:

1. I'll miss my friends! Yeah, maybe every once and awhile. I had good friends, but the friends I have now at the academy are 27 times better than the ones at home. I guess it's a part of being with them all day pratically everyday, though. There's a huge variety at the academy so everyone's very likely to find at least one person (most likely quite a few people) to get along with.

2. I'll miss my home/parents. Call them. Ask them to take you home more than just closed weekends. Write e-mails and/or letters. You'll probably have so much fun/doing so much work, you won't even think about needing to miss anyone.

3. I don't want to give up sports/extracurriculars/clubs/whatever. Well, sports = regrettable. There really isn't much of a replacement for them at the academy. In the beginning you can get an intermural going, but you must really be motivating to keep everyone involved. Soon enough you'll have so many other things to do, though. As for extracurriculars - I was in a ton of things in high school. I don't miss any of it, though. If you were ever in a math/science oriented club (Science Olympiad, anyone?), you'll find replacements. Robotics, Mathematics Anonymous.. etc. Debate? We have Model U.N. You'll find something to spend your time on, and if you don't, you can start something!

Advice: Questions? Ask a 2nd year. Have a new teacher? Ask a 2nd year about them. Pretty sure if you have a problem of any kind, one of the 2nd years have gone through it before.

Extracurriculars: Model U.N., SGA, Dance Team, Thinkology, volleyball (when I can)

Contact Me: Email: Xanga: JBr00ks9 (those are zeros!) And I have facebook