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Revision as of 10:56, 9 January 2005 by Andy (talk | contribs)
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<post> tags

<post> I got them implimented to some extend, but I dont really like them, they seem really hard to read and tell who's comments are to go where. Here's a couple things I have questions about and would like come feedback. First off im going to try to impliment a 'reply' thingey at the end of posts so that it goes directly there instead of having to find out where to put the text in the wiki edit thing. (basicly elminating the need to have to actually type <post> and </post> but i dont know how easy that will be, I'll probably have to use the code for the 'titles' but I dont know. Anyway on to questions.

  1. How can the style be made to make it more readable? Would having plus minus things like in file managers work better, and then also having bars that go between them (like file managers as well)?
  2. Is the No comments really needed if there's no comments?
  3. I'm going to try to write an exapand all (and exand all under a certain post) fuction but where should I put links to that? Should it be in the toolbox on the left, or have one under each post, or at the top of the page or what? Also should exapanded be the default state?

I think that's about all for now. </post>

Often used links box.

Articles on the main page.

I know someone mentioned this back when this first started but I haven't heard anything about it since then.