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Revision as of 21:19, 4 January 2006 by Chrax (talk | contribs)
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I don't understand why we ought to remove a person's name. Was any reason given? -Chrax

No, but he sent me an email saying he wanted to be completely removed. Must be a communist sympathizer or something. -Squishypickle
Should we put something at the bottom about it not being a complete list? -Andy
Yeah, I'll do that. -Chrax
Or just a paranoid fuck. You know whatever. -Chrax
Maybe he didn't want to have any identifying information available on the Internet. Whatever the reason, I think it was within his rights. - Mpnolan 16:51, 25 Dec 2005 (EST)
Within his rights yes, but we weren't giving out email addresses or anything. Just a list of names for historical purposes. I don't see the threat to his privacy. -Chrax
From the information you could determine, for example, that he went to MASMC and then the name of the university he went to next. That's information about him, which could even lead one to discover more. Of however tiny degree we perceive them to be, I consider his desire to keep those private of higher value than a minor discrepancy in the archive. - Mpnolan 21:32, 28 Dec 2005 (EST)
Can't anyone just look at the page history to find the missing name... that's what I did - Stuey
Of course. But I'm not about to put that in the message at the bottom of the page. I think the only way we could really get rid of it would be to copy the new text, delete the page, and start a new one. -Chrax