Talk:Multivariate Calculus

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Revision as of 18:06, 10 February 2005 by Squishypickle (talk | contribs)
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Matlab can't be that bad. I understand its useful for engineering and science, and mathmatica is more for pure mathmatics. -Squishypickle

It may be useful, but it does little to aid your learning. It merely lets you look at pretty pictures, which I don't believe to be adequate compensation for the time I spent debugging those fuckers. -Chrax
Actually, making matlab do what I want has not been problem. Its just the fact that some of these problems are just long and tedious, and often times you make stupid mistakes that make you redo a bunch of stuff. Also typing it out into a document takes a long time. From someone who want to go into engineering, its interesting to me to do some math on a few points and out comes a bezier curve... -Squishypickle