Fundamentals of Classical Physics II

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Official Description

Fundamentals of Classical Physics II (25-230) and Lab (25-231)
A continuation of Phys. 25-120. Major topics include classical electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic waves, light and geometrical and physical optics.


An introduction to electromagnetism, circuit theory, and optics.

What actually happens

Electricity and magnetism, simply put, are generally weird and unintuitive. As a result, you cannot skip class all that much. The book is terrible, so unless you already know what's being discussed, lecture is fairly essential. On the plus side, though, the professors seem to compensate for unintuitive material with a slower pace. So assuming you do go to class, it's rather easy to do well.

Again, algebraic skills are handy, but they won't get you nearly as far as they did in mechanics, especially with circuit theory.