
From Missouri Academy Wiki
Revision as of 08:43, 8 January 2005 by Andy (talk | contribs)
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This is a list of changes made to the moacad wiki source as opposed to normal wikimedia source.

Question, should is this worth having and should I post code for the changes here?


In Progress

Default picture

Add an extension for a <post> </post> tag to be used in discusions. It will put a arrow next to the post to hide/unhide comments, simmilar to the 'advanced' version of the 'Recent changes' page. (going to take a while)


Add an extension for use of a <code> </code> tag to display plain html stuff (for use with form's and such, sorry it doesnt do php).

Sort the All Pages list vertically rather than horizontally.

Add a 'All pages' link to the toolbox.