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Hi, Call me Wingo

I don't really go by my first name.
I just don't like it. Plus people remember me more by my last name.
Just for fun (and FYI)
Today's date is:
Monday June, 17 2024


(Somewhat) Normal girl from small Missouri town. I miss the Acad. like no other. 
And and currently helping my HS friends pass Pre-Calc...Yes, I know pathetic.
Ummm, I have a pretty boring life. *Yawn* My friends are what make me interesting.

Things I Like

Pun (I actually kinda punny, if you catch me on a good day)
Magic: The Gathering
Peace, Freedom, sleep.
werecats and vampires
White tigers and wolves.
my friends
IFK (inner fat kid, ask Beth)
fav food: Chicken, or McD's fries....or maybe Japanese food (it's yummy)
I love music!!!


To go back to college.
To be happy and healthy.
To live in a missile silo...don't ask, well ask Scott.
I would like to finish college in something other than Math or Science...Maybe law-enforcement.

Intersting Facts

I want a tattoo of wings on my back but am too chicken to get it.
I like to pun...thank Peter Hodges (Failblazer, '007) for that!
Most of my friends are crazy.
I don't have a computer at home...I use my local library.
I would have given an arm and a leg to go back to the Acad this year.
I stink with computers...I Accidentally killed about 10 lap-tops while up there.
I can't spell I had to use Word's spellcheck to spell Accidentally correctly.


Alanis Mercer
Vikkie Reilly
[Unnamed Elf]
Psyche (Sasha Nein's superhero Alias)
Sasha Nein
Natalia Vanguard
Itazuki Shino
Sarah Wingo (Werecat, not based on any real person...well)
Janice (Sarah Wingo's Alias)
Ms. Scarlett
Selena Kyle (Catwoman's Alias)
Jack (the Undead Monkey)
More coming soon...

In Closing

If you need a friend then I'll be there.
Just call me. I'm pretty good at listening.
peace out