Talk:List of professors

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Revision as of 17:13, 14 April 2005 by Chrax (talk | contribs)
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Wow... that's a lot of shit to write, Brian - Stuey

Yes. -Goofyheadedpunk

do we want a section for government professors? smith, mclaughlin, hesse, and whoever mark had. i think we all have to take that class, right?

i keep forgetting the signing thing -Sillyputty

are we going to want to have a page per teacher? if so, what do we want to say, eh? - Stuey

I expect it will basically be an evaluation of teaching style and the like. But I think those are useful. Either that, or we could put an evaluation under their names on the list. -Chrax

So... we don't seem to have a lot to say about professors. I sure can't think of anything worthy of a full page. Do we still want separate pages or a small summary underneath their name on this page? -Chrax

For professor info...

I recommend the site Rate My if you're looking for opinions on your future professors. - Mpnolan 23:44, 13 Apr 2005 (EDT)

I don't like that site. I'd rather get my opinions from other students that I know. - Stuey
Nice argument, except you forgot the part where you make a point. The site has problems, such as too many angry students giving professors low scores in revenge, but I'd say about 1/4 are helpful. How would a future student ask his/her friends for opinions? I'm not sure, but are you suggesting _we_ write some pages? I plan to Real Soon Now. - Mpnolan 11:48, 14 Apr 2005 (EDT)
Yes, I think reviews of professors from Academy students would be helpful. How do we want to do this? Should we make a page (say the ones already linked from the list) for each person and then put any reviews we have and then sign them? Because that seems like the best move to me. -Chrax