Talk:List of professors

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Revision as of 03:02, 13 March 2005 by Chrax (talk | contribs)
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Wow... that's a lot of shit to write, Brian - Stuey

Yes. -Goofyheadedpunk

do we want a section for government professors? smith, mclaughlin, hesse, and whoever mark had. i think we all have to take that class, right?

i keep forgetting the signing thing -Sillyputty

are we going to want to have a page per teacher? if so, what do we want to say, eh? - Stuey

I expect it will basically be an evaluation of teaching style and the like. But I think those are useful. Either that, or we could put an evaluation under their names on the list. -Chrax

So... we don't seem to have a lot to say about professors. I sure can't think of anything worthy of a full page. Do we still want separate pages or a small summary underneath their name on this page? -Chrax