Dr. Tom Hardee

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Classes Taught

Style & Personality

Dr. Hardee is an interesting character. He is enthusiastic in everything he does (and even cracks himself up...a lot), and he likes to stress finding connections to bigger things. He's a decently difficult grader, and makes sure to tell his students, "This is what to do to get a C, this is what to do to get a B, and this is what to do to get an A." His class is always interesting, and he gives you the option to revise any summaries or papers. However, he does average the grades of all of the revisions for an assignment, so you definitely want to try at least a little bit on your first draft. At the start of each class, Dr. Hardee will play a short clip of a movie, usually over irony or conflict or something similar that can be tied to his assignments.

Student Opinions

Jennie: Dr. Hardee is a cool guy. He's very busy sometimes, but I believe that he genuinely wants his students to learn how to write. However, you must be willing to put forward the effort. I already had a solid background in writing, and so his class was relatively easy for me. I know that others struggled, however, especially on the research paper that is 50% of your grade in Comp II.