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Hi, Call me Wingo

I don't really go by my first name.
It's too stupid.


(Somewhat) Normal girl from small Missouri town. I miss the Acad. like no other. And and currently helping my HS friends pass Pre-Calc...Yes, I know pathetic.

Things I Like

Pun (I actually kinda punny, if you catch me on a good day)


To go back to college.


White tigers and wolves.
my friends
IFK (inner fat kid, ask Beth)
fav food: Chicken, or McD's fries.

Intersting Facts

I want a tattoo of wings on my back but am too chicken to get it.
I like to pun...thank Peter Hodges for that!
Most of my friends are crazy.
I would have given an arm and a leg to go back to the Acad this year.

In Closing

peace out