Multimedia and Web Development

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Official Description

Multimedia and Web Development (44-333)
This course will acquaint the student with a variety of multimedia resources that could be incorporated in the design and production of a multimedia project on a variety of computer platforms. The focal points in this class will be on the proper design and generation of multimedia projects with an emphasis on web pages.


This is intended as a beginer class and teaches students how to create web sites and about various multimedia topics such as working with a team of producers. There is also quite a bit of terminology.

What Actually Happens

You create pointless web pages in Macromedia Dreamweaver in order to learn such basic hypertext constructs as tables, links, and forms. Unfortunately, the teaching methods reflect the Northwest stance of form over content and focus on trivial issues, such as terminology, which may cause problems for students with prior web design experience that have learned alternate terms and definitions.

This class may also be completed using a text editor rather than Dreamweaver. However for one or two projects it is very helpful to use Dreamweaver.

Grading is done by a series web projects, tests, and a final larger web project at the end. Note that these web projects are graded with Internet Explorer, so web pages with proper coding (or improper coding that suits a browser other than IE) may not load as expected. Web projects are also uploaded to the Northwest Info server, which is less than ideal for pretty much any circumstances.