User:E squared g

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Emi Elise Griess is the full name in all of its rhyming glory, but most people just call me Emi or EEG (Because unfortunately being born with a two syllable name doesn't provide you with a lot of epithet {sometimes know as 'nick'name} alternatives, unless you are an extremely exciting or unique person. I am neither, so I settle with what people give me.). I'm a Voyager and will hopefully graduate with my fellow classmates in both Nevada High School and the Academy in May of 2006. I have moved into full CLship recently and intend to remain there for the entire course of the 2005/2006 school year. I'll be a Community Leader for Beth Eppinger on 2FW and will be rooming with Sara Pennepacker in room 215! Very exciting because it is the same room which saw me through all my trials and tribulations as a first year.

As far as my interests go, I'm a band geek at heart. I play the flute and I adore my Sonare, also I've recently fallen in love with my new Alvarez guitar. I participated in the Northwest Dance Company both semesters last year and hope (so much) to start a Dance Club at the Academy this year. It's not news to anyone that I'm obsessed with the Davis family...mainly of the Neal and Paul persuasion. I adore animals, love to write poetry and pointless stories, and read a somewhat obscene amount. Food, more specifically eating food, is a passion and I love rollercoasters.

I'm not a great student and Math and Science aren't my specialties, but I manage to keep my head above water in this school of geniuses. I've been written up once...never again. I love all of the RCs and am entirely too emotional. I'm now going to trail off in an unimpressive manner...