Category talk:Deletion

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Revision as of 23:59, 15 March 2005 by Chrax (talk | contribs)
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In order for a deletion to take place, three assents and no dissents should suffice. (But give it several hours before just deleting it, somebody attached to the page might not have seen the deletion tag yet.) If there's dissent, this page is for talking. To talk about a new page, use a second level header (===) with the name of the article in discussion. Once a page is deleted, remove its corresponding talk section, so this doesn't fill up with useless crap.

Please, when bringing up a page to be deleted, top post.

===Image:Holycrapawesomelevel.jpg=== (DELETED) Matt Marsh should not be allowed to upload anything without someone standing next to him, ready to punch him in the face should he use a stupid name. -Chrax

I didn't name it that intentionally, thats what the image was named. I just didn't change it. -Squishypickle

David Gorham

Personal pages should be restricted to user pages. -Chrax

I agree contigo. -Stuey

===Setting Up a Web Server=== (Left Alone) Why is this useful to the Academy students as a whole? Visit WannaWiki or the Apache Manuals. -Chrax

I disagree. I think the people who would like my guide thing would be scared off by big manuals, and the "wannawiki" doesn't have anything related to this. And don't be sticking delete tags on my articles just becuase their "not useful" or hurts... -Squishypickle
I just visited WannaWiki--it's a cool site! You ought to submit your article there, too. - Mpnolan 12:22, 13 Jan 2005 (EST)
I wasn't saying it wasn't useful, I was asking you to defend it. So... any good reasons why this page is useful and belongs here? WannaWiki has howtos such as one for SSH. This would fit in perfectly there, assuming you finished it, rather than explained how to clean up a Slack box. -Chrax
I wanna lurn how to set up servers... wait! what's a server? I agree with Mr. Matthew Marsh. Other sites may seem confusing and kind of intimidating. - Stuey
The guide gives some insight into the interests of Academy students, and I think it's always cool to have a guide written by someone who's used a piece of software, rather than an official, technical manual. I'll agree that it doesn't strictly fit in with other content, but it's a nice piece of work and I don't see any reason to delete it. It doesn't really mess up our organization. - Mpnolan 12:19, 13 Jan 2005 (EST)
Right, because the guys that write those manuals haven't used that software? It's not that it messes up the organization so much as it's extraneous, and relates to the Academy only in that an Academy student wrote the damn thing, and if you'll read it, it's more about how to optimize your Slack system at this point. -Chrax
I know. I'm going to get the good stuff soon. -Squishypickle
You might want to do what brian did with his article on Form over Content and not post everything till it's done. I do agree that it does belong here. I don't really want this to just turn into a 'academics' website, but a more general site for anything of interest to any academy students. (hey, if someone want's to post anime fine, I might not like it but if they're at the academy it belongs here just as much as an article on math) --Andy 17:15, 13 Jan 2005 (EST)
Alright. Removed from delete list. -Chrax

===Dungeons and Dragons=== (DELETED) Did somebody have something in mind while creating this article? -Chrax

Yeah Matt...? And why is there a D&D and a Dungeons and Dragons page, eh? - Stuey
I dunno. -Squishypickle

===Second East=== (Unlinked, to be worked on further by Stuey) Nothing of consequence in it. If necessary we can make a wing life page, but it's too specific a page, with no good content that wouldn't have to be repeated for each wing. I suggest no individual wing pages. -Chrax

Hmm... yeah... something to about wing life would be good, though. (this is not a vote for or against deletion) - Stuey
sure, delete it. -Sillyputty
How about we don't delete it... but delete any links to it. please... - Stuey
We can do that, but why? -Chrax
because... I am going to redo it... sometime... when I find time and motivation for a wing life page. or something - Stuey
I'll remove it from here. You deal with the links. -Chrax
Done! - Stuey

===Moacad Wiki:Administrators=== (REDIRECTED) There already exists an Admin page. Special:Listadmins -Chrax

Put up a redirect link. -goofyheadedpunk
Is there some page that refers to that one? If so, it'd be better to change that link than have just another redirect, especially if the redirecting page isn't easier to type. -Chrax
I completely agree. I don't like redirect pages. It seems like a waste of a page. It's like calling someone and having to be transferred, it sucks. - Stuey

Cancel all this. Turns out it is linked to from the users page. So a redirect is what we want (unless we feel like writing about admins for some reason, but it's pretty self explanatory). I vote against deletion now. -Chrax

===Content=== (DELETED) I agree with you, Brian... Matt, keep your retardedness to a minimum... pleawse - Stuey

I vote for deletion. -Chrax

I also vote for deletion. That makes three. I'll nuke it at midnight. -goofyheadedpunk

===Academics=== (DELETED) Useless page. -Chrax

I agree. - Mpnolan 19:02, 26 Dec 2004 (EST)

I also vote for deletion. That makes three. I'll nuke it at midnight. -goofyheadedpunk

Me too... I... agree... stupid page... yeah! - Stuey

===Classes=== (DELETED) Deprecated. -Chrax

Second. -goofyheadedpunk

Me too... I wanna vote!- Stuey

Yeah, I would wait to remove it, but it's just two links. So I'll get it. -Chrax