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Hi. I'm Sara Pennepacker! I graduated with the Voyager class in 2006. I lived both years on 2FW, with Helen Kim as my roommate first year, and Emi Griess the second year. At Northwest, I was active in the Bearcat Marching Band, and I enjoyed eating delicious mushroom quesadillas and double fried rice at the Union. At the Acad, I was in a ton of clubs. I really enjoyed being involved. My second year I became the VP of Internal Affairs for SGA, and consequetly head of Student Activities and Prom Committees. It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun. I was also a CL that year, with awesome RC Beth. My favorite Acad memories include:

  • Project CLEO
  • watching anime and reading manga
  • playing DDR, Guitar Hero, and Mario Party
  • midnight aerobics
  • dances and other activities
  • wing games
  • being in Musical Theatre's production of Into the Woods
  • 2FW Posse
  • living with the coolest people ever.

As of now, I attend Brigham Young University, where I'm majoring in Japanese with a minor in Spanish. It's a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to doing translation work someday.